Hi guys! A narrative is one of the most important features that go into filmmaking. Overtime in Hollywood narrative has been perfected in a three act structure. This is one of the most important contributions to the global story telling form in the past century. Act one usually runs around 20-30 minutes on screen and usually introduces the protagonist and clarifies the goal that they will be pursuing throughout the rest of the story. Also in most films there is usually a midpoint in the story where the protagonist has a choice to either turn back on the goal or go for the goal and never look back.
As for myself and many others if there isn't compelling characters in the different plots of the story our attention to the film will be lost. Complexing characters can be distinguished by being round and flat. A round character is often a conflicted character with a deep internal life who is usually goes through some kind of change over the course of the story. A flat character is someone who does not undergo change in the story and they are usually only there to help out the round characters in the story. I often find the flat characters to be funny ones on the story who I tend to like these characters better in the story.
It is essential to have a good story line in the story to help keep the audience entrained and also allows the audience to understand what is happening in the story. I am hoping you guys were able to learn more about narrative in my blog post this week. Bye!
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