Casablanca First Café Scene
Hi guys! In todays blog post I am going to be talking more about editing. An editor plays a very special role in films being made being that they do they are the ones that have to sit through and arrange the film or images they are given from the director and have to assemble it all to make a coherent story. Today it is common for films to have 50 or 100 times more footage then that will appear in the final cut. In our reading this week it talked about how the film Deadpool shot 555 hours of raw footage of a film that is just 108 minutes long. It would take 40 hours a week for 14 weeks to sit through and watch all of the raw footage. Editors are the ones that have to do this and taking even more time to select arrange it all into an edited film. Personally I could not imagine having to do all of that, sounds terrible to me! In the reading one of the videos that stuck out to me was Casablanca First Café Scene. In this short scene the editor used screen direction to keep the ...