
 Hi! My name is Ellenie Dyrby and this is my first official blog post. I am a sophomore at North Central College and my major is health science. I am planning on becoming a Speech and Language Pathologist that works in schools. Outside of school I enjoy boating, swimming, running, hiking, reading, traveling,  and hanging out with my friends. I am from a small town of around 200 people called Cabery, IL. Living in a small town with not much to do I often found myself turning on movies when I couldn't be outside. When I was younger I always tended to watch the same two movies which were Bridge to Terabithia and Iron Man. I have a difficult time picking out new movies because when I find a movie I love, I just want to keep rewatching it. That is a major reason I am excited to take this class because I hope to watch new movies and also learn more about the history of filmmaking. 

A movie I recently watched was "Smile". I thought I was not a fan of horror movies, until I went to the theater and watched the film. Before watching this film, the few horror movies I did watch I thought they were boring and easily predictable. In the film "Smile" I really enjoyed the plot line of this movie, being that it was easy to stay engaged and try to be ready for all the jump scares. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie and could see the filmmakers making another with how the first movie ended. 

Down below is in a picture I took this summer when we were visiting the Grand Tetons. 
